Virtual Reality: A Quick Introduction -

Virtual Reality: A Quick Introduction

IT & Software


Confused about all this talk about Virtual Reality? So many different names, so many different initials: VR, AR, MR, DR, 360, 3D, Holograms, Volumetric, Stereoscopic, Virtual Worlds & Virtual Environments. It’s enough to make your head spin. Aren’t they all just GAMES anyway?  (Turns out they’re not!)

This course will get you up to speed on all things Virtual. We’ll answer these questions and more:  What exactly is Virtual Reality? 

  • What are people doing in there, anyway?
  • Why all the hype?
  • What’s at heart of it all?
  • What do you need to view it?
  • What’s the difference between VR, AR, MR, 360, Holographics and more?
  • Is it safe?
  • What’s coming next?


Along with clear explanations, we take you in-world and let you see examples for yourself. This course covers a wide range of Virtual Environments with a focus on the bare minimum you need to know so you’ll be ready for the next big high-tech wave.

Plus we’ve attached free resources with links to all things VR.

There’s about to be a revolution! And it’s a Virtual one at that! Come take the plunge into a new world!

What are the requirements?

An internet connection and a little curiosity.

What am I going to get from this course?

By the end of this course...

  • You will have a broad understanding of what Virtual Reality is all about. And a deeper       understanding of the different types of Virtual Environments.
  • You’ll understand the latest news and be able to carry on a conversation about the industry.
  • You’ll sound cool and be in-the-know!

What is the target audience:

  • Anyone curious about Virtual Reality
  • Anyone who wants a broad overview of the industry
  • Anyone who needs a deeper understanding of the differences between types of VR
  • Developers & Gamers who want to know what else they can do with VR
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