The Ultimate GIT 5-day Challenge -

The Ultimate GIT 5-day Challenge




  • You should know a bit about how to work with computers and not be afraid of using the command line a little bit
  • Willingness to try out new things
  • Some sort of files that you want to track (i.e. Code, Photos, Documents, etc)


This course takes us step-by-step through some basic GIT operations. The course will not dive too deep, and takes small steps on each of five days. As we continue through the course, we learn a basic, single-person workflow that could allow anyone to store files at GitHub or BitBucket.

Additionally, the course gives us a chance to determine if we want to go to a deeper level with GIT.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who is new to GIT
  • Anyone who is tired of making copy after copy of files
  • Anyone who is afraid of losing files to computer or drive failure
  • At least a little computer saavy
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