Welcome to the Startup Roadmap Definition Course where you will learn how to prioritize your product or app features and build your roadmap, based on your desires, your customers' needs, and your budget for development.
My name is Amaury Khelifi. And since I've created my very first startup in 2011, I've worked as a CTO consultant and startup mentor for over 70 startup projects as well as with incubators and accelerators.
Before that, starting my career in 2002, I taught IT to large corporations and also worked for five years in electronic payments.
Basically, I learned how to launch and manage projects at any company scale.
I created this course because as a startup founder, you not only need to convince clients, but also incubators, accelerators and investors. Above all, you need to have a perfect understanding of your product roadmap and the technology behind it.
To help you better define your product, I've created the Startup Technical Plan Template which has been shaped from a very practical approach and tested in different industries.
By the end of this course, you will be able to fill in that template by establishing your product roadmap and its costs, including which innovative technologies are the best for you and when you should use them.
You will get a step-by-step video process, plus worksheets and print-ready notes, so you can come back to the methodology at any time without having to go through the whole course again.
Together, we will go through six sessions:
This course is perfect for any startup founder or entrepreneur, even without a strong technical background. It's especially a good fit if you are in the planning stages of your product development, or if you are about to develop a new version of your existing product or service.
Feel free to take a look at the course preview and the curriculum. I'm looking forward to see you inside.
20 March 2018
20 March 2018
20 March 2018
20 March 2018
20 March 2018
20 March 2018
20 March 2018
20 March 2018
20 March 2018
20 March 2018
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