If you have ever worked in an office (or anywhere else really) you know how demanding a day in front of a computer can be. Urgent matters, phone ringing, deadlines...ring a bell?
This course can teach you how to help your partner de-stress after a long day at work. And perhaps your partner can learn to return the favour as well ;)
Shiatsu is a Japanese form of massage developed in Japan in the early 20th century. It is a therapy based on pressure. Shiatsu actually means pressure with fingers. Shiatsu has something unique compared to other massages, Shiatsu works on both the physical level as well as the energetic one. It is a very complete discipline that take years to be mastered. The basics on the other hand, can be learned quite quickly and you will see how.
In this course we will learn how to work on the back, the neck, the arms, the hands and the shoulders.
It will be nice to reconnect to your loved one, you'll see.
Enjoy the course.
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
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