This course should be the starting point for any Games Development student who's course uses Autodesk Maya software. We are using Autodesk Maya 2017 but we will aim to keep the content non version specific where possible.
I will take you through all the points in many of the qualifications that have creative units or specific 3D Modelling units and help you to create a portfolio of work that will be ready for your showreel.
More importantly you will improve the quality of your final models and the speed at which you can create them. I break the course up in to the process sections you will find yourselves in on your course. I would stress this course is not designed to replace your course tutors and will not guarantee a pass, merit or distinction at the end of it that will come from your own hard work.
This course will help you to improve your modelling and give you a more realistic expectation of results to work ratio. The more hours you practice the better you will get.
In this course we look at starting what is possibly your first game or animation asset. Short lectures will guide you through the process of creating a MacBook. Starting with your first research and moving through to the test in the games engine. If your serious about making games you need to know how to build assets.
04 January 2018
04 January 2018
04 January 2018
04 January 2018
04 January 2018
04 January 2018
04 January 2018
04 January 2018
04 January 2018
04 January 2018
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