This course assumes you have some knowledge of Java.
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Excellent 5-Star Reviews!
Great for Beginners. I highly think the course was well laid out, short videos, easy to understand. I loved the course greatly. - Mike Ford
Good introduction to Eclipse. The instructor has done a pretty good job in putting together this material..very handy..Thank you. - Rajesh R
This was an excellent overview on how to use Eclipse. ... The course was perfect because it was just right the right amount of details and topics covered. Recommended for all beginners and those who just need a refresher. - Maureen Glaeser
This course provides an excellent introduction to the Eclipse IDE Development tool. This course is aimed at developers who want to quickly get up to speed with developing applications with Eclipse.
The course covers how to install Eclipse and customize Eclipse for your environment. You also learn how to create Java applications in the Eclipse which includes using the debugger.
The course shows you how to make use of a number of Eclipse productivity techniques such as navigating the source code, generating source code and creating unit tests. The course wraps by showing you how to import and export projects.
By the end of the course, you will have covered the major features of Eclipse and you can immediately apply them on your Java project.
Who Is This Course Suitable For?
Note: This course assumes you have some knowledge of Java.
You Will Learn How To
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