Are you a designer or "skinner" that wants to integrate things like tabs, accordion, or a datepicker into your UI but *don't* want to learn jQuery or javascript? Then this is the course for you!!
This course will guide you through:
Plus you will get:
Don’t know JavaScript? That’s okay. You can use jQuery UI Widgets with little or no experience with JavaScript. Don’t know jQuery? That’s okay too. As long as you know HTML and CSS, jQuery UI provides simple snippets that can be easily integrated into your code.
In this course you will learn everything you need to know to integrate the jQuery UI Widgets into your HTML to provide a rich user experience on your website. Join me, Marie Taylor, and learn how to use jQuery UI Widgets today!
22 July 2018
22 July 2018
22 July 2018
22 July 2018
22 July 2018
22 July 2018
22 July 2018
22 July 2018
22 July 2018
22 July 2018
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