ADDRESS TO: The One, who has an insatiable craving for acquiring new knowledge, developing new skills, or nurturing existing talents...
Throughout history, there were those fascinating individualists of worldly culture, vast interests, myriad skills, remarkable erudition, and unfathomable capabilities - who we've come to know them as the "Renaissance men," who seem to not only KNOW everything...but DO everything as well.
What these polymaths, or "Jack of all trades," could do and managed to achieve are very real and obtainable, but the secret question is...how?
The proverbial saying "don't put all eggs in one basket" holds true. Limiting all efforts and resources into one thing is not only being ill-equipped but risky, especially when comes to education, skill, career, and of course life.
"Jack of All Trades" tackles how to learn new knowledge and master multiple skill sets in record time to be a multi-talented, multifaceted modern Renaissance man/woman.
Become the rare breed who is multi-talented with your multiple masteries. Become the fascination and envy of other people with your endless knowledge. Become the contradicting enigma people are drawn to by your mysterious aura, attractive charisma, and refreshing ways of thinking, doing, and being...
Who am I? I am the YOU that you shall soon to be.
Until we meet again,
- Mr./Ms. Jack of all Trades
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31 December 2017
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