Become familiar with many key principals, concepts, and trends in job application materials for markets across the globe. A FREE course designed for young professionals or those transferring from one industry or position to another who want to refresh their understanding of the job application process and modern expectations for CVs, resumes, and cover letters.
Gain key insight into both cover letters and resumes or CVs with this FREE introductory course for anyone interested in getting ahead in their chosen career.
Secure your dream job with key insights into modern job application documents
Take a beginner’s examination of some of the key concepts that inform both modern cover letters and resumes with this FREE introductory course designer to launch your professional journey. Discover first-hand what to focus on to catch a recruiter’s attention – both in your resume and your cover letter.
A brief introductory course you can easily complete in under an hour that’s packed full of powerful techniques, insights, and tips on how to take your cover letter and resume to the next level. Covers key issues like the focus of your documents, what goes where and why, how to begin your resume, and how to sign off with your cover letter.
“That’s some amazingly valuable info! The fact you are just giving it away for FREE is the best. Sign me up for more please!” – Corey Fisher
“I finally feel like I know what to do when I sit down to apply for a job. Though it’s just an introductory course, there is plenty here to make it well worth your time.” – Mark Novak
Content and Overview
Eight+ lectures covering a solid and thorough introduction to both the modern resume and the job application cover letter. Over half an hour of video lectures packed full of all kinds of key information on the focus, organization, and content of your job application materials.
Begin your professional journey with insider tips about what recruiters and hiring managers are looking for and what to see when they receive a job application in today’s increasingly global job market. Includes downloadable resources to help you pick the best format for your resume, bonus lectures, and annotated video lectures that highlight key information visually to improve understanding and retention.
Once you’ve completed this FREE introductory course, you’ll better understand how the modern job market has transformed today’s resumes, CVs, and cover letters and be better equipped with key strategies that will help you cut through the noise of the internet and thousands of other applicants so you can speak directly and meaningfully with your potential employer when it counts most.
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
08 March 2017
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