Are you ready to start making money publishing books on Amazon's Kindle platform?
This is my 100% FREE Kindle Introductory Course.
My name is Jason Bracht and I have over 200 books in the Kindle store right now and have made over 200 thousand dollars publishing simple e-books (that I didn't write myself) on Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing platform.
Why should you listen to me?
Because I have made really good money with Kindle and continue to make thousands of dollars passively each month without having to do anything. That's right. My books are like rental properties that bring me residual income each month without having to fix leaky faucets or collect actual rent.
So what
Unlike many "experts" teaching courses I am actually recognized as a thought leader in the publishing industry. A quick Google or Youtube search of my name will confirm this.
I don't say any of this to impress you. But rather, impress upon you that I legitimately know what I am talking about and that you can be rest assured that you are in good hands by taking this course.
What Will You Learn From Taking This Course?
What Are The Requirements For This Kindle Course?
What Can I Expect to Be Able to Do After Completing This Course?
Who Is This Course For?
30 November 2017
30 November 2017
30 November 2017
30 November 2017
30 November 2017
30 November 2017
30 November 2017
30 November 2017
30 November 2017
30 November 2017
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