**Last Updated August 2018**
Start Landing SEO Clients With UpWork
People always ask me how I'm managing to land clients on a regular basis. When I tell them UpWork they never believe me, they think it's too competitive or it just flat out does not work. In this free course I'm going to show you a unique proposal method that helps me close clients with ease and helps me stand out from everyone else that uses copy and paste proposal templates.
What You'll Discover in this 4-Part Course:
An Overview Of UpWork
Learn how UpWork can be used as a means to start bringing in new SEO clients every week.
UpWork Profile Optimization
Learn how to create a high converting UpWork profile that will help you land more jobs on a regular basis.
My 'Secret Proposal Method To Land Clients
Learn how UpWork can be used as a means to start bringing in new SEO clients every week.
Taking Action & Staying Consistent
You will learn how to take small action steps each and every day to achieve long term success
Student Success Story
"I wanted to say that I had the opportunity to take John's course on Upwork and it was instrumental in my journey with the platform.
I started a digital marketing agency in November 2016 and already begun my journey with online courses after taking his advice in regards to online course creation and syndication - but wasn't sure of the best way to set up an Agency.
Going through this course with the advice he offers on getting starting on Upwork was a pivotal part in landing my first job - which was for $350. This was only 6-8 weeks ago and already I'm on track to have a $2k month.
It's ridiculous. Learn, watch, follow and purchase John's material - I feel like I have gotten to know him through his courses and now as a friend.
He's the real deal!"
-Deepak Shukla
23 December 2017
23 December 2017
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23 December 2017
23 December 2017
23 December 2017
23 December 2017
23 December 2017
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23 December 2017
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