Complete ExpressJS and MongoDB for Beginners in 2 hours -

Complete ExpressJS and MongoDB for Beginners in 2 hours




  • Basic Javascript
  • Understanding of how database works


To get a complete course on JavaScript: Do visit my channel with the name of Ministry of JavaScript at YouTube. I am uploading new videos over there on daily basis.

In this course, we will be covering all the base concepts of NodeJS, ExpressJS along with MongoDB like:

  1. Installation of ExpressJS

  2. Type of routes, and implementation

  3. How to deal with request and response

  4. What is MongoDB and how can we connect it to our ExpressJS Server

  5. APIs creation using ExpressJS and MongoDB

  6. How to deal with an error handling

  7. How to play with validations in ExpressJS

  8. How to play with password encryptions (storing, verifying)

  9. How to deal with JSON web token in ExpressJS

  10. How to add JSON web token verification on protected routes using Middleware

  11. How to perform authentication along with JSON web token

This course will not just cover basic topics but we will be learning some advanced topics as well of ExpressJS.

After the completion of this course, you can easily be able to work on ExpressJS and MongoDB, this is my promise.

Follow me to get the amazing courses in a field of JavaScript. On youtube we are uploading new videos on daily basis and we are trying our best to serve the JS community in the best way we can.

Who this course is for:

  • Javascript developers curious about backend javascript frameworks
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