In massage therapy, building a strong, caring professional relationship with your clients is very important. In fact many will say it is all important, because it means you provide good quality service and you understand the needs of your clients.
To build this relationship it is important that your clients trust you. That they trust your work, that you give a good massage, and that they understand that you know about their body.
One excellent way to show how much you know about their body is to talk to them about the muscles while you are working on them.
This course is designed to help you to be able to practice those specific terms, the names of the muscles, so that you can use them in your clinic. While you talk to your client about the muscles they will learn more about themselves and they will learn to trust you more.
When you have a good relationship with your client, it will help build your business as they are more likely to come back to you and they will refer their friends.
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