10 Steps to an AwesomeSauce You! (Step 8) - UdemyFreebies.com

10 Steps to an AwesomeSauce You! (Step 8)

Personal Development


This section is called Wearing the Right Shoes and it is the eight of ten sections. This section is about holding your proper stance in the world – in essence – feeling empowered. When you don’t feel empowered, then feelings of doubt, intimidation and contraction take over and result in ‘feeling small’ or not good enough. When we have the experience of not being good enough, it’s because far below the surface, we are experiencing shame. And shame is simply a result of believing that we don’t belong. In the SCIENCE track, we show how simply holding your body differently releases different chemicals and therefore, different emotions. Knowing these stances is helpful when negotiating, mediating or influencing your perspective. In the PSYCHOLOGY track, we examine proper parent – child relationships and when those get entangled, how devotion and belonging become a focus point at any cost. And in the SPIRITUALITY track, we talk about chakras and how it correlates to the Reichian rights we learned about in Section three.
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