The Ultimate MySQL Crash Course

The Ultimate MySQL Crash Course




  • Any knowledge of any programming language is a plus, but it is not at all mandatory


In this course you are going to learn everything you need to know to get started with MySQL in probably less than two hours, so you can actually consume this piece of content in one sitting. The course is surly intensively on using the SQL command line inside the PHPmyadmin tool and that's for teaching you just how SQL works and you can write your queries, not just in the SQL command, but also inside your backend apps and that's the best way to learn SQL in my opinion. So the course is short, informative, practical, and bite-sized at the same time. 

To elaborate we are going to start of course from the basics of some theoretical crucial definitions like database, queries, tables, columns, and cells to some beginner sections parts like creating dropping and inserting into tables, data types, and operators to intermediate sections constraints primary and foreign keys functions, SQL most known clauses like (Select - Where - Group by - Order by) and alters to a touch of the advanced parts like joins and so much more. if you want to learn the basics of MySQL and start building your applications on the same day, then this course is yours. come on what are you waiting for? :)

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn MySQL
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