StudiGuide 34: CPR and First Aid -

StudiGuide 34: CPR and First Aid

Teaching & Academics


This Course if not for Certification of either CPR or First Aid.

This StudiGuide course provides a practice review-testing resource for police academy cadets (based on the state of California’s Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.



• the primary responsibilities of peace officers as EMS first responders and at an emergency

• the links of the chain of transmission of infectious pathogens

• conditions under which a peace officer is protected from liability when providing emergency medical services

• assessment criteria for establishing priorities when assessing multiple victims at a single scene

• the components of the Chain of Survival

• the difference between a mild and severe airway obstruction

• appropriate first aid measures for treating injuries or wounds to the bones, muscles, soft tissues or joints

• signs and symptoms of psychological emergencies

DIFFERENTIATE between indicators and first aid measures for treating:

• Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) including assisted glucose administration

• High blood sugar (hyperglycemia)

DIFFERENTIATE between indicators and first aid measures for treating:

• Hypothermia and frostbite

• Heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke


• first aid equipment and precautions peace officers may utilize to treat others and to ensure their own personal safety when responding to an emergency

• conditions under which an injured victim should be moved from one location to another

• proper procedures for moving a victim

• circumstances under which a victim’s airway should be opened by using a head-tilt/chin-lift maneuver and jaw-thrust maneuver

• the signs and symptoms of shock

• indicators of a possible head injury

• the appropriate first aid measures for treating facial injuries to include objects in the eye, chemicals in the eye, dental emergency, nose bleed

• appropriate first aid measures for treating open and closed injuries to the chest and abdomen

• appropriate first aid measures for treating injuries to the head, neck, and back including spinal immobilization

• appropriate first aid measures for treating Thermal, Chemical, Electrical and Radiation burns

• appropriate first aid measures for a victim experiencing signs of poisons that have been ingested, inhaled, absorbed or injected; alcohol and/or drug-related emergencies including assisted Naloxone administration and accessing EMS

• appropriate first aid measures for insect bites and stings; animal and human bites

• the signs of imminent birth

• appropriate first aid measures for each of the following emergency situations that may occur in childbirth such as excessive vaginal bleeding and newborn fails to breathe

RECOGNIZE indicators of, and first aid measures for a victim experiencing:

• Cardiac emergency

• Respiratory emergency including asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

• Drowning

• Seizure

• Stroke

• Altered mental status

• Severe abdominal pain

• Allergic reactions and anaphylaxis (assisted epinephrine administration, accessing EMS)


• the components of the EMS system including EMS access, interaction with other EMS personnel, local EMS and trauma systems

• Basic Automated External Defibrillator (AED) operation including special considerations, troubleshooting

• rescue breathing techniques when using mouth-to-mouth, pocket mask or other barrier device, bag valve mask

• recovery position

• bleeding control techniques to include direct pressure/pressure dressings, tourniquet, types of hemostatic dressings and packing the wound

• first aid measures to treat shock including the importance of maintaining normal body temperature

• tactical and rescue first aid principles when responding to violent circumstances (e.g. active shooter), movement to threat versus casualty care, integration with EMS, tactical casualty care


• appropriate actions to take during a primary assessment for assessing both conscious and unconscious victims Responsiveness, Airway, Breathing, Circulation

• appropriate actions to take during a primary assessment for assessing both conscious and unconscious victims Vital Signs, Head to toe assessment, Patient history

• Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for adults, children, and infants, following current American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) at the healthcare provider level including Ventilation duration, Pulse location, Compression depth, Compression rate, Compression-to-ventilation ratio (one-person CPR), Compression-to-ventilation ratio (two-person CPR), Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

• procedures for clearing an obstruction from the airway of both a conscious and an unconscious Adult, Child, Infant, Pregnant or obese individual

• the general guidelines for controlling bleeding from an open wound

• first aid measures to treat shock

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