This course is designed for the people who want to learn Scala Programming. Scala is very popular in the Field of Big data.
Here in this course we clear the topics:
In this course We get a lot of programming practice with Hands On!
Now a days Very Big Company Like Twitter, Microsoft, AirBnB use Scala instead of Java because of its simplicity and Faster Processing Speed. Only for that Twitter move their Main Message queue from Java to Scala.
Scala is introduced by Martin Odesky in the year of 2003. So you can say that it is a very new language compared to C, C++, Java etc.
Scala is a multi-paradigm programming language. Mainly Scala is designed to express common programming pattern in a concise, elegant and type-safe way.
Most importantly it is a Hybrid Programming Language because this language smoothly integrate the features of Function Programming language as well as Object oriented programming language.
Scala is closely related to Java and Both of Them run on JVM (Java Virtual Machne).
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