This StudiGuide course will assist you in test taking tips if you plan to attend or are attending a California police academy.
Our StudiGuide courses are designed and organized to include information which corresponds to the the state of California’s Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) learning domains / learning objectives for each written examination you may be required to take during your police academy training.
Our StudiGuide courses are titled and numbered to correspond with the POST learning objective subject matter titles and numbers you will be tested on.
Our StudiGuide courses cover the critical knowledge necessary to understand and pass each required academic test mandated by POST subject matter currently covered by POST learning domains to include:
Regular Basic Course standard format
Regular Basic Course Modular Format (including Reserve
Modular Format – Module III
Modular Format – Module II
Modular Format – Module I
P.C. 832 Arrest and Firearms
Specialized Investigator’s Basic Course
Requalification Course (BCW)
Refresher training for the Mid-Course and End-of-Course Proficiency tests administered during the Regular Basic Course.
Our StudiGuide courses are intended as a supplementary aid to you who are looking to maximize your study time. They are also helpful in preparing for the written examination and will help you to retain knowledge in a particular subject, without having to spend excessive time in learning stuff not presented during your written examination. You will also be provided with practice exams and audio of each tested subject, to allow for review while travelling to and from the academy, during breaks, while running, etc.
When used properly, in conjunction with your POST workbooks, our StudiGuide courses are a valuable tool for you, as the material provided in each course has been time tested for more than fifteen years, assisting recruits during their academy training to receive and maintain some of the highest test scores and overall grade point averages in their academy classes.
19 January 2018
19 January 2018
19 January 2018
19 January 2018
19 January 2018
19 January 2018
19 January 2018
19 January 2018
19 January 2018
19 January 2018
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