Making the Most of Twitter for Academics -

Making the Most of Twitter for Academics



Course Description

Are you struggling to get the hang of Twitter? Or, indeed, struggling to see the point of it at all? If so, this course is for you. In Making the Most of Twitter, I show you how to get started with this powerful and versatile social media tool. With nearly two hours of video material (with full transcripts), I walk you through Twitter’s main features, providing many examples of how it can be used to promote and share your research, and also to find useful information. We’ll cover the absolute basics before moving on to more sophisticated techniques and third-party tools to enhance your Twitter experience.

Some of the questions I address include:

  • How do I share my research on Twitter?
  • Who should I talk to, and how do I find them?
  • How much time should I spend on Twitter?
  • What shouldn’t I say?
  • How can I measure my effectiveness on Twitter?
  • What can’t Twitter do?
  • How do I avoid the pitfalls?

What are the requirements?

  • You don't need anything apart from a computer and an internet connection.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Use Twitter with confidence to promote their research and find useful information

Who is the target audience?

  • This course is designed for people who are completely new to Twitter or have very little experience. It's probably not suitable for anyone who is already using Twitter regularly.
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