How to master the verb 'To Have ' -

How to master the verb 'To Have '

Teaching & Academics


In this lesson, we will study gramar, the verb 'To Have' which the majority of students are confused how to deal with it, how to use it ... .In this lesson we will learn together step by step the verb 'to have' as you know the verb 'to have' has different meanings its main verb with the main meaning being possession, but also replaces other verbs like to drink to eat and to take. It is also an  auxiliary verb which is use to formulate all the perfect tenses . so today we are going to look all this diferent meaning .By the end of this leson you will have a clear idea of how to use have and  each of its context.

اليوم بادن الله، سوف ندرس هدا الفعل  لان هناك العديد من المتعلمين والطلاب لديهم ارتباك كيفية ومتى يجب استعماله ... في هذا الدرس سوف نتعلم معا خطوة بخطوة كل ما يتعلق بهدا الفعل. لذلك نحن اليوم سوف نتطرق الى كل استعمالاته. مع نهاية هذا الدرس سيكون لديك فكرة واضحة عن كيفية استخدامه.ومتى يجب استعماله.

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