Clarity of Purpose--Don't Live Life Without It -

Clarity of Purpose--Don't Live Life Without It

Personal Development


Many people are faced with a “crisis of meaning.” In fact, according to Danah Zohar, author of SQ – Spiritual Intelligence, The Ultimate Intelligence, one of the major issues of our time is meaning, or really the lack of meaning and purpose in our lives. It is a central crisis of our time. Consider this: Two of the top ten causes of death in the Western world — suicide and alcoholism — are frequently related to this “crisis of meaning.”

But here’s the really insidious part — a personal crisis of meaning is often disguised as a problem, such as:

  • Finding yourself overwhelmed by the frenetic pace of an overly full life, or
  • Your life is on automatic — you’re just going through the motions  as you’re buffeted by the currents of circumstances, or
  • You’re in a job or career that’s stifling your soul and spirit. 

The real issue—the real source of most people’s struggles and angst that goes around disguised as a problem is that they’ve forgotten who they are and why they came here to this life. They lack a sense of purpose or meaning to their life.

Whether you’re longing for a deeper spiritual connection, feel adrift in life, or overwhelmed by life, rest assured there’s nothing wrong. There may, however, be something missing, the presence of which could make all the difference in the world. 

It's clarity of purpose.

But you might ask: “Is it even possible to really know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what your true life purpose is?” 

Yes, it is possible! And knowing your purpose with crystal clarity can make such a difference in your life. But how do you go about bringing that clarity of purpose to your life? One highly effective way that thousands of other have found that works is through the Life On Purpose Process — a proven, systematic, spiritually-based and practical approach that has already helped thousands of people to clarify their life purpose and to then design their life as a true and authentic reflection of their purpose.

This free course will start your journey along the purposeful path with the final destination, living a life on purpose. So, what are you waiting for? Enroll today!

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