Welcome to the MyAppTemplates complete guide to setting up a Parse backend and integrating it into an Android Chat app template, similar to What's App or Viber.
This is a short 7 lesson overview course, for beginner-intermediate developers with some experience with Java programming and Eclipse IDE.
Each lesson is between 5-15 minutes long, starting with an overview of Parse and the existing code on the Android Chat template provided. It's not a 'start-from-scratch' course, it is for people who have an app template already (we provide a free one!) and who would like to add a simple backend API to it.
In the course we'll be setting up a free Parse account, creating the backend classes for our Chat app in Parse, and then integrating the Parse API into our Android Eclipse app template.
It's 7 short lessons, and at the end you should have a simple Android Chat app up and running.
05 May 2018
05 May 2018
05 May 2018
05 May 2018
05 May 2018
05 May 2018
05 May 2018
05 May 2018
05 May 2018
05 May 2018
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