How to perform Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery -

How to perform Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Health & Fitness


Course Description

This course should aid an ENT resident or attending to understand the steps involved in performing functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS). The course includes a video showing real surgery, and then the steps are spelled out for the learner. The basic techniques are then expanded to 1) more advanced FESS options, and 2) logical extensions of ESS (endoscopic sinus surgery) to structures adjacent to the nose and sinuses. The course is laid out from more basic to more complex. Video and narrated powerpoint slides/images are used to convey the information. Quiz questions at the end will emphasize some of the finer points of endoscopic sinus surgery. A learner should take this course if they wish to expand or strengthen their knowledge of sinus surgery.

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