Think about some of worst failures like Titanic and Challenger. Think about software glitches that caused failures of Ariane 5, banking, air traffic, missiles etc. It is important to understand why it happened and how such things can impact us and cause havoc and immense loss and damage. How it can be prevented by us in future to achieve successful endeavors. Given this, build the context for us for further learning and innovation. As software is getting in each every walk of our life and all human endeavors, it becomes so critical that they do not fail and perform well. This course will help build the context for further learning in software testing. Based on this context and software testing basics, you can get started with another next course, "Software Testing Course", from me at Udemy.
This course is for around one and half hours and has 7 video lectures on software testing basics. You can complete this course in one go or take one lecture per day and can complete learning the software testing basics within a week. If you have any queries while you are covering different lectures, then, do feel free to write them to me through the 'questions' section and I will periodically answer back. Get started with the software testing basics today.
</p>27 May 2017
27 May 2017
27 May 2017
27 May 2017
27 May 2017
27 May 2017
27 May 2017
27 May 2017
27 May 2017
27 May 2017
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