Coding for Entrepreneurs Basic -

Coding for Entrepreneurs Basic



Remember when you couldn't walk? Of course not. Who can?

Learning to code is much like learning to walk...except it happens much later in life.

Never coded before? No problem.

Entrepreneurs like you are a rare breed. You create incredible businesses and come up with ideas that change the world.

Technology has made the 21st century, the century of the entrepreneur. Thanks to the power of the internet, you can reach a global audience in minutes.

The question you have the skills to be able to take advantage of this incredible opportunity?

If you're starting (or have started) a business in today's tech driven economy, then you've got to understand the code that's driving your business.

  • Imagine asking others to create your software but you've no idea how it works?
  • Imagine not knowing the time and effort involved in realizing your idea?
  • Imagine having an incredible idea but you don't have the skills to get it started?
I'm Not Going To Teach You Tons of Coding Languages...

Instead of spending infinity boring you with the intricacies of a multitude of languages, Coding For Entrepreneurs will teach you the exact languages you need to know to launch any type of eCommerce site & build landing pages that convert browsers into buyers.

The best way to learn is by doing - you'll never learn anything if you sit and watch videos or read a PDF all day. We get you into action and enable you to achieve results immediately.

You'll get in introduction in:

  • Python
  • Django
  • HTML
  • CSS
Don't worry if these look scary...if you can multiply and add numbers then you can code!

Coding is extremely logical. Take Python for example - it reads just like the English language less a couple of odd characters.

We Put Special Emphasis On Django...Why?

- Django is based in Python
- It's fast, simple, effective, secure, and ideal for "perfectionists with deadlines"
- Built-In User Login (authentication) System
- Web-based Admin system (built - in)
- Template system that allows basic knowledge of HTML/CSS to design the front-end.
- Growing Community for Help/Advice/Best Practices .... and freelance clients (or jobs).
- Easy to implement & Launch
But I've Been Told That I Need To Learn C, C#, Objective C and Java?

The truth is that you could learn all of these languages and use them to further enhance your coding.

But why bother?

You're an entrepreneur, NOT a professional coder. Would you rather learn how to code something quickly and start building your business empire or spend years debugging something that may never launch?

It's time to take your future into your own hands and learn how to start Coding For Entrepreneurs today!

How To Be Ultra Successful With This Class- Watch the videos and follow me and do exactly as I do
- If you get stuck, rewind and rewatch while copying me again
- If you're still stuck, ask questions! I WILL respond to you really quickly!
- Months later if you get stuck, come back and watch the videos all over again :)
- Do NOT take notes. Implement what is happening as you see it.
- When finished, repeat the classes. Start fresh. Delete Everything. Do it again
- Repetition is key: it's like practicing to master a golf swing or a basketball shot
- When you get stuck ASK QUESTIONS - I'll help you
- Remember that learning this will put you light years ahead of other entrepreneurs

Windows Users:

"The easiest way to take this course in terms of learning is through a Linux VM. On Windows, download Virtualbox and a Linux .iso (e.g. Ubuntu). Once downloaded, open Virtualbox, follow the steps to create a Ubuntu VM, select the .iso from your hard drive, install Ubuntu and you're good to go with all the commands mentioned in this course. The only extra command I've had so far to install pip is 'sudo apt-get install python-setuptools'." -- Harry (student)

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