Access Your Genius with Richard Wilkins -

Access Your Genius with Richard Wilkins

Personal Development


Over 5,600 students currently enrolled. Course updated September 10 2014.

WARNING - This course POLARIZES people: You'll either LOVE it or HATE it as the reviews will show you!

5-Star: 'Insightful, Helpful, Practical, Optimistic and Holistic'

As for the words I used above, I like the fact that it is easy to understand yet maintains great depth. If you are someone who is suffering from depression or anxiety - whatever it may be, you will likely find this incredibly helpful. If you feel your fine, you'll still find this interesting and hopefully worthwhile. Better yet, not only for you, but for others you may know. All in all, I find the message here, uniquely, and heavily related to the messages to many of the figures I admire. There is much that can be said, but it is for you to experience and come up with a conclusion. I'm sure it will be worth your while. Honestly, I found this message to be a fantastic and important gift. I'm glad it's here free. - Brian

5-Star: Great program to make you think

Its a great program that makes you think and see what it is that is really holding you back. No the question is what are you going to do about it after you've completed the course. - Mirko

1-Star: rubbish

this guy sounds like a total looney freak with an IQ level of a biscuite... you sure you should be teaching about genius? couldnt handle listening to more than half of the first lecture. - Pouya

Interesting huh? So what's in the course? And why does it divide opinion so much?

Tom Cassidy asks Richard Wilkins, the founder of the UK's Ministry of Inspiration , to sum up his thoughts on 'Being a Genius v. Accessing Genius'.

Richard explains his system that allows ordinary people to access the genius that is available to us all. It explains what it really means to 'be' a genius, and why most people who are thought of as geniuses end up being somewhat disappointing as we find out more about them.

It also enables us to deal with all the 'yeah but...' beliefs that our own internal programmings throw up at us, and it allows us to be comfortable doing great things, without having to then live with the epithet 'genius'.

In our experience of delivering this message to people, we've found that a lot of people won't like the simplicity of the message, they won't dare to believe that they have the power to access genius themselves and they will resent the ease with which its methods appear to work.

You see, if it really IS this simple then it takes away people's excuses for not doing it. And people might not like that very much.

Anyway, Take this free “Access Your Genius” course, see what all the fuss is about and learn how to become a genius yourself. the world is waiting...

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